Unlock the Power of Docusaurus: Customize Sidebar Items with docusaurus-plugin-openapi
Image by Jerman - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Docusaurus: Customize Sidebar Items with docusaurus-plugin-openapi

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Are you tired of a cluttered and unorganized sidebar in your Docusaurus documentation? Do you want to take your API documentation to the next level by providing a seamless user experience? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of docusaurus-plugin-openapi and explore how to customize sidebar items to transform your documentation.

What is docusaurus-plugin-openapi?

docusaurus-plugin-openapi is a powerful plugin for Docusaurus that enables you to generate API documentation from OpenAPI definitions. With this plugin, you can create stunning documentation that is easy to navigate and understand. But, did you know that you can also customize the sidebar items to fit your needs?

Why Customize Sidebar Items?

  • Improved User Experience: A well-organized sidebar helps users quickly find the information they need, reducing frustration and increasing engagement.
  • Enhanced Discoverability: Customizing sidebar items allows you to highlight important features, APIs, or sections, making it easier for users to discover what they’re looking for.
  • Increased Conversions: By providing a clear and intuitive navigation, you can increase the chances of users taking the desired action, whether it’s signing up for a trial or purchasing a product.

Setting Up docusaurus-plugin-openapi

Before we dive into customizing sidebar items, let’s ensure you have docusaurus-plugin-openapi set up correctly. Follow these steps:

  1. yarn add docusaurus-plugin-openapi or npm install docusaurus-plugin-openapi
  2. Add the plugin to your docusaurus.config.js file:
          module.exports = {
            plugins: [
                  // Your OpenAPI definition file
                  specification: 'path/to/openapi.yaml',
  3. Restart your Docusaurus server with yarn start or npm run start

Customizing Sidebar Items

Now that you have docusaurus-plugin-openapi set up, let’s explore how to customize sidebar items. You can do this by creating a custom sidebar item component and registering it with the plugin.

Step 1: Create a Custom Sidebar Item Component

Create a new file called mySidebarItem.js in your project’s root directory:

import React from 'react';

const MySidebarItem = () => {
  return (
      <p>Custom Sidebar Item</p>

export default MySidebarItem;

Step 2: Register the Custom Sidebar Item Component

In your docusaurus.config.js file, add the following code:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
        // Your OpenAPI definition file
        specification: 'path/to/openapi.yaml',
        // Register the custom sidebar item component
        sidebarItems: [
            type: 'custom',
            component: require.resolve('./mySidebarItem'),

Step 3: Add the Custom Sidebar Item to Your Sidebar

In your sidebar.js file, add the following code:

module.exports = {
  sidebar: {
    mySidebar: [
        type: 'custom',
        text: 'My Custom Sidebar Item',
        link: 'my-custom-sidebar-item',

Configuring Sidebar Items

docusaurus-plugin-openapi provides several configuration options to customize sidebar items. Let’s explore some of the most useful ones:

Option Description
title Specifies the title of the sidebar item.
text Specifies the text of the sidebar item.
link Specifies the link associated with the sidebar item.
icon Specifies the icon associated with the sidebar item.

Use Cases for Customizing Sidebar Items

Customizing sidebar items with docusaurus-plugin-openapi opens up a world of possibilities. Here are some use cases to get you started:

  • Highlighting Important Features: Create custom sidebar items to highlight critical features, such as new releases or deprecated APIs.
  • Creating a Getting Started Section: Design a custom sidebar item to guide new users through your API documentation, providing a clear onboarding experience.
  • Providing Additional Resources: Use custom sidebar items to link to external resources, such as tutorials, webinars, or community forums.


In this article, we’ve explored the power of customizing sidebar items with docusaurus-plugin-openapi. By following the steps outlined above, you can transform your API documentation, providing a seamless user experience and increasing engagement. Remember to experiment with different configuration options and use cases to unlock the full potential of docusaurus-plugin-openapi.

Ready to take your API documentation to the next level? Start customizing your sidebar items today and discover the difference it can make for your users!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of customizing your sidebar items with Docusaurus-plugin-openapi by checking out these frequently asked questions!

How do I install Docusaurus-plugin-openapi to customize my sidebar items?

To install Docusaurus-plugin-openapi, simply run the command `npm install –save @docusaurus/plugin-openapi` or `yarn add @docusaurus/plugin-openapi` in your terminal. Then, add the plugin to your `docusaurus.config.js` file by inserting the following code: `plugins: [‘@docusaurus/plugin-openapi’]`. You’re all set to customize your sidebar items!

What kind of customization options are available for sidebar items with Docusaurus-plugin-openapi?

With Docusaurus-plugin-openapi, you can customize your sidebar items by adding, removing, or rearranging links, categories, and even entire sections! You can also use OpenAPI specifications to generate automatic API documentation and link it to your sidebar. The possibilities are endless!

Can I customize the appearance of my sidebar items using Docusaurus-plugin-openapi?

Absolutely! Docusaurus-plugin-openapi allows you to modify the CSS styles of your sidebar items to match your brand’s unique look and feel. You can adjust the font, color, and layout of your sidebar items to create a seamless user experience.

How do I troubleshoot common issues with customizing sidebar items using Docusaurus-plugin-openapi?

Don’t worry, troubleshooting is a breeze! If you encounter issues with customizing your sidebar items, check the Docusaurus-plugin-openapi documentation for common solutions. You can also join the Docusaurus community forum or GitHub discussions to get help from experienced developers.

Are there any best practices for organizing my sidebar items using Docusaurus-plugin-openapi?

Yes, indeed! For a well-organized sidebar, it’s essential to group related links and categories together, use clear and concise labels, and keep your sidebar hierarchy shallow. You can also use icons and separators to create visual distinctions between sections. By following these best practices, you’ll create a sidebar that’s easy to navigate and delightful to use!

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