JavaScript Can’t Find CSS Variable? Unraveling the Mystery – A WordPress, Webflow, and Dark Mode Toggle Guide
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JavaScript Can’t Find CSS Variable? Unraveling the Mystery – A WordPress, Webflow, and Dark Mode Toggle Guide

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Are you frustrated with JavaScript’s inability to find CSS variables in your WordPress or Webflow project? Do you want to master the art of creating a seamless dark mode toggle experience for your users? You’re in the right place! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the troubleshooting process, provide actionable solutions, and offer expert tips to help you overcome this common hurdle.

The Problem: JavaScript Can’t Find CSS Variables

Imagine this: you’ve spent hours crafting the perfect CSS variables for your dark mode toggle, only to find that JavaScript can’t seem to locate them. You’ve checked your code a thousand times, but the issue persists. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This is a common problem that arises when working with CSS variables, WordPress, and Webflow.

Why Does This Happen?

The main reason JavaScript can’t find CSS variables is due to the way they are scoped. CSS variables are defined within a specific scope, which can be a stylesheet, a block, or even an HTML element. When JavaScript tries to access these variables, it needs to be able to reach them within that scope. If the scope is not properly defined or if there are conflicts with other stylesheets or scripts, JavaScript will fail to find the CSS variables.

Troubleshooting Steps: WordPress Edition

If you’re using WordPress, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check your CSS file structure: Ensure that your CSS files are properly enqueued and loaded in the correct order. Use the WordPress wp_enqueue_style() function to load your stylesheets.

  2. Verify CSS variable declaration: Double-check that your CSS variables are declared correctly using the :root selector or a custom scope.

  3. Inspect element and check computed styles: Use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the element that’s supposed to be affected by the CSS variable. Check the computed styles to see if the variable is being applied correctly.

  4. Check for conflicting stylesheets or scripts: Identify any conflicting stylesheets or scripts that might be overriding your CSS variables.

Troubleshooting Steps: Webflow Edition

If you’re using Webflow, follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check your symbol and component structure: Ensure that your symbols and components are properly organized and exported.

  2. Verify CSS variable declaration in Webflow: Double-check that your CSS variables are declared correctly within Webflow’s design panel or in your custom CSS code.

  3. Inspect element and check computed styles: Use your browser’s developer tools to inspect the element that’s supposed to be affected by the CSS variable. Check the computed styles to see if the variable is being applied correctly.

  4. Check for conflicting stylesheets or scripts: Identify any conflicting stylesheets or scripts that might be overriding your CSS variables.

Solution 1: Using JavaScript to Access CSS Variables

One way to access CSS variables using JavaScript is by using the getComputedStyle() method:

  const rootStyles = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement);
  const darkModeVariable = rootStyles.getPropertyValue('--dark-mode-bg-color');
  console.log(darkModeVariable); // Output: The value of the CSS variable

This method allows you to access the computed styles of an element and retrieve the value of a CSS variable.

Solution 2: Using a JavaScript Framework or Library

Another approach is to use a JavaScript framework or library that provides a simpler way to access CSS variables. For example, if you’re using React, you can use the styled-components library:

import { injectGlobal } from 'styled-components';

  :root {
    --dark-mode-bg-color: #333;

This will define a global CSS variable that can be accessed using JavaScript.

Dark Mode Toggle: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we’ve covered the troubleshooting process and provided solutions for accessing CSS variables, let’s create a basic dark mode toggle using JavaScript and CSS:

HTML Structure

<button id="dark-mode-toggle">Toggle Dark Mode</button>
<div id="content"></div>

CSS Code

:root {
  --dark-mode-bg-color: #333;
  --light-mode-bg-color: #fff;

body[data-theme="dark"] {
  background-color: var(--dark-mode-bg-color);

body[data-theme="light"] {
  background-color: var(--light-mode-bg-color);

JavaScript Code

  const toggleButton = document.getElementById('dark-mode-toggle');
  const bodyElement = document.body;

  toggleButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
    if (bodyElement.getAttribute('data-theme') === 'dark') {
      bodyElement.setAttribute('data-theme', 'light');
    } else {
      bodyElement.setAttribute('data-theme', 'dark');

This code creates a basic dark mode toggle that switches between two themes using JavaScript and CSS variables.


In conclusion, accessing CSS variables using JavaScript can be a challenge, especially when working with WordPress and Webflow. By following the troubleshooting steps and implementing the solutions outlined in this guide, you should be able to overcome this common hurdle. Remember to check your CSS file structure, verify CSS variable declaration, inspect element and check computed styles, and check for conflicting stylesheets or scripts. Finally, use JavaScript to access CSS variables, leverage a JavaScript framework or library, and create a seamless dark mode toggle experience for your users.

Platform Troubleshooting Steps
WordPress Check CSS file structure, verify CSS variable declaration, inspect element and check computed styles, and check for conflicting stylesheets or scripts
Webflow Check symbol and component structure, verify CSS variable declaration in Webflow, inspect element and check computed styles, and check for conflicting stylesheets or scripts

Happy coding, and may the CSS variables be ever in your favor!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with JavaScript not finding your CSS variables in WordPress and Webflow while toggling dark mode? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why can’t JavaScript find my CSS variables in WordPress?

JavaScript can’t find your CSS variables in WordPress because they are scoped to the CSS file and not exposed to the global namespace. To fix this, you can use the `:root` selector to define your variables, or use a JavaScript library like `css-vars-ponyfill` to polyfill the CSS variables.

How do I access CSS variables in Webflow using JavaScript?

To access CSS variables in Webflow using JavaScript, you can use the `getComputedStyle` method to retrieve the styles of an element, and then access the variable using the `getPropertyValue` method. For example, `getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(‘–my-variable’)`.

What’s the best way to toggle dark mode using JavaScript and CSS variables?

The best way to toggle dark mode using JavaScript and CSS variables is to use a class toggle approach. Add a class to the `body` or `html` element to toggle the dark mode, and then use CSS variables to style the elements based on the class. For example, `.dark-mode { –background-color: #333; }`.

Why do I need to use `!important` when overriding CSS variables in JavaScript?

You need to use `!important` when overriding CSS variables in JavaScript because the CSS variables have a higher specificity than the inline styles set by JavaScript. By using `!important`, you can ensure that the JavaScript-set styles take precedence over the CSS variables.

Can I use CSS variables with JavaScript to create a dynamic dark mode toggle?

Yes, you can use CSS variables with JavaScript to create a dynamic dark mode toggle! Simply use JavaScript to update the CSS variables on the fly, and let the CSS take care of the styling. For example, `‘–background-color’, ‘#333’);`.